Sunday, December 1, 2013

Love Letter For julian


There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that I can only be happy with you and i want nothing more than to be in love with you and even though nothing is perfect, i want us to be as close to it as possible. I decided put down these words because I am so in love with you and i want us to be happy. I always think about you, and I never want to lose you. I cant imagine my life and mels life without you. You have truly brought me happiness that i didnt think i would feel again and im so grateful for you and feel honored to have you and love you and be in love with you. I feel priveleged to be able to experience the love you show me and knowing that you love me so much brings me so much joy

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as Stress, and it makes you angry. i want to comfort you and be there for you. Dont evervthink your burdening me by talking to me about things. I want to be the one to take away all that stress away. Even though ive Been stressed too and ive been feeling alone and like i have noone to turn to, I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. I ant us to confide in each other about everything. We should be bestfriends as well as in love with each other. we have had our challenges and im sure there will be more, but i only want to go through these things with you. I am looking foward to our future, and experiencing living with you and having our own family and being happy together for the rest of our lives together. Love julian

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