Thursday, December 26, 2013

Love Letter For Andria

Dear Justin, To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others. I wanted to the tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that we have been getting closer and starting to really know eachother and our love is getting stronger. I want to tell you how much you mean to me but my words might not be enough. I was recently thinking of you at at home, actually managed to think about a lot, realizing you were in most of those thoughts noticing I always caught myself smiling or laughing softly. There's not a day that goes by that your not on my mind. Your Luscious Brown Eyes and Breath Taking Smile makes me feel weak in the knees with butterfly and firework filled insides.

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as you being away from your family and your tragic losses, and that this would be making you feel lonely and sad at some times for not being with them and maybe not getting the chance to say goodbye to your other loved ones. I've also had the challenges of being away from my family and friends and not being able to talk about my feelings have left me feeling kind of lost and out of place probably being the reason why its hard for me to express myself. I don't want this to have any impact on our relationship. While we have had our challenges and ups and downs I am looking forward to the future, and experience our love to keep growing, and to have a strong bond to talk about everything and anything with having nothing and no one to be able to break us apart. To work and be together as a unit. I Love You. Always Andria

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