Thursday, June 20, 2013

Love Letter For Shameada

Dear Boo, What's meant to be will always find a way. I wanted to the tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that Moving on I do deeply apologize for that so called boyfriend I had, and no I'm not getting back at you for your mistakes that you made. Now I'm not blaming it on anyone or the alcohol, but people be trying to put things in my head, no I don't believe them, but I can easy get mind tricked by a certain someone, not naming names. Yes I do give credit do when deserved, and I do and always have gave credit to you for EVERYTHING that you have done for me, and sad but happily to say that your the only one who really has done anything for me, so thank you and I love you for that( and much more) :) . I decided put down these words because Here is your long awaited letter that you have been waiting for, and I accidentally took my time on, sorry!

. I was recently thinking of you at all over, all the time, Good memories of you, memories that I'm glad to have a chance to share with you. Your Of course most the important thing is yes, I do love your tall tatted self, miss you like never before, only god knows how much I want to see you. makes me feel Every time we was together I was always in a good mood, or just even seeing you. I do still get a smile on my face every time we talk, or I simply read or reread a letter from, or just thinking about the good times we had..

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as I'm really glad that the time is really flying by, a year and half alrady since you been gone. I don't know what or why their taking thier sweet time for. They either need to let you go, or sentence you already. I really don't know how the whole court system works but I know thafthaf they need to get a move on that asap! , and that this would be making you feel I know that your tired of being in there, missing your sons birthday and achievements, and just being with him and your family period. You just got to stay positive about the whole situation even though it may be hard to do from time to time, but you just got to wait for the worse to pass and the better to come.. My recent challenging My money ain't right, attitude all fucked, tired of hearing and living with everyone's drama, tired of being taken advantage of. Tired of being a babysitter with out volunteering to be one. I'm just sick of everything, I should just move to Texas and call it a damn day. Deuces my nigga's! I guess I need to find a nine to five so I can be gone all day. See imma break it down Lydia gets paid also to help Catrece, I get paid less then she does and I do everything all day and night, while she is gone pretending to be busy all day, and then she come back and still really don't do anything. So that where my frustration come form, and she has the nerve to say I don't do anything.. Tah, then complains when I leave for a few hours every blue moon, dumb bitch gets on my nerves(Lydia). has left me feeling Overall I'm lowkey tired of Lydia and all her shit. The kids grandma done told me she talks mad s**t behind my back to her. But I'm not gonna let her get to me. It's kool, she regreat it in the end., and I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. Whilst we have had our challenges I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing Simply being together, starting back up where we left off at, do everything that we said we'll do with one another letting nature take it's course. together.

Love Alway's Yor Bitch and Best Friend
Mrs. Blaylock Xoxoxo,

P.s. Now write me back

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