Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Love Letter For corenta

Dear Johnny, What's meant to be will always find a way. I wanted to tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that I can't live without you. If i can change what i did i would.. I decided put down these words because Im writing this letter to u b/c i love you. I know i messed up and did wrong.. I was recently thinking of you in my bed,and mostly everwhere else. I thought how i wanted to be with u. How i want things to go back to the way they were but i know that they cant b/c of me. And i feel so bad about it that u wanted to share yourself with me and i fucked it u.And i would like to try again but like u said u wont be able to give me your all as before and that sucks. Your smile,the way u look at me,the way u tell me im beautiful and how everthing with be ok makes me feel Good and happy and wonderful.

My recent challenging Been trying to leave home and do my own thing has left me feeling sad and nerve wrecking, and I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. Whilst we have had our challenges I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing Being together,going out , haveing fun in many ways lol together. Love corenta

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