Friday, October 4, 2013

Love Letter For marsha

Dear Marvin, Love is something eternal… The aspect may change, but not the essence. I wanted to the tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that All the time we've been apart I have had to learn to be without you. I've made a few choices that will hurt you... but I have finally realized that your the one I'm supposed to spend my life with! No man that I could be with will ever be you or make me feel about them the way I feel for you... Marvin you and I have been through so much together and some where in all the time we've known each other I have fallen so irresistibly in love with you... who would have ever thought that you and I would be here cause we have hated and loved each other... your the one I want to spend my forever with you have my heart fully... I LOVE YOU and I will never love anyone the way I LOVE YOU... your my soulmate the other half of my will never beat right again without your...your my boo. I decided put down these words because Because I need to tell you about all that's been going on in my life out here without you.... I was recently thinking of you at the apartment in the bluff ... the days we would just lay in bed together and watch movies...when you hold me and love me and it's just you and I the rest of the world just fades away...this is what I enjoy.with you yeah just being.normal doing what real couples, I need to tell you about smiley...this is who I have been with for the past month...yes he has been helping me pay my bills so I could have the extra money to send you and be able to replace some of the things we lost ... yes Paul helps with the money situation also...please know that smiley has always known about you and that was where my heart is and will always be...but now that your finally coming home I have to get everything straight for he moved out yesterday he is going back to his wife and youngest daughter in kingsville and I'm just beside myself counting the days Marvin days OMG I can't wait to have you home with me where you belong...I'm just not me without you...I never want to lose you again and know that I will fight with everything I have to make sure that never happens will get some act right in you if I have to kill you to make sure were are mine and I will do whatever I have to to make sure that never that know that and you better damn sure believe that...;-). Your Having to be locked up away from me and your family... now having to short time which sucks the days drag the closer you get to your release date and the unknowing of what your fixing to come home to... makes me feel Worried and scared....

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as Having to be locked up away from me and your family... now having to short time which sucks the days drag the closer you get to your release date and the unknowing of what your fixing to come home to..., and that this would be making you feel Loneliness and heartache... being ripped from your life losing everything and the unknowing of what I have been doing and who I'm giving my attention to.... My recent challenging I have been struggling to survive the bills are killing me... that I have never felt this lost or lonely about any man in my life...but I needed to not feel so alone and I have just done what I've had to so I could pay my bills and keep you with money also... so you can't be mad at me you told me to do WHATEVER I had to do to take care of you... so I have... when all I have ever wanted was just to be back with you baby boy... has left me feeling I feel like I'm in another world that I have grown to hate...what I'm feeling now is not real to me cause without you my true feelings are tucked away eager to be released the moment I have you back in my arms...and not a moment sooner...ur my world my darling Wildboy..., and I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. Whilst we have had our challenges I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing Sex and I do mean A LOT of sex we have so much to make up for... your kiss your touch your taste...just being with you and making up for lost time...making a life with you and enjoying every minute together...I NEVER WANT TO BE AWAY FROM YOU AGAIN!!! together. Love marsha

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