Monday, September 9, 2013

Love Letter For Carla

Dear Johnny, Love is when you look into someone's eyes and go all the way inside; to their soul and you both know... instantly! I wanted to the tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that I'm soooo in love with you and that the bond between us is only getting stronger and stronger with time. as mysterious as you might appear sometimes, I've luckily discovered that you're a wonderful man, a generous lover and a loving step-father (now that you've taken that role) overall, you are full of surprises, such a gentleman and most importantly, you have the biggest and kindest heart any other man has ever poured before me. thanks my love, thanks for existing, thanks for loving me so much, thanks for fulfilling every aspect of my life with your humbleness, sensitivity, caress, selfless-care, your warmth, your delicate touch, your protection and your bunny kisses <3... I love you unconditionally and I will always be there for you mi amor.. I've decided put down these words because I love you baby. You complete my life and make my days very happy. I wouldn't want to think or even picture myself without you babe. You are the best thing that has happened to me and I will always treasure you as the most precious diamond. Thanks for loving me Johnny...
You know, I was recently thinking of you when i was at my moms house, and I got to the conclusion that I can definitely see your true potential. you're smart, you have a good sense of humor, you're honest and charismatic. However, you also lack of energy and time, not to mention other things. I am your ideal help babe, and I'm determined to push your round booteyhlitious toosheeeey to the finish line... ...Whenever I look at you face to face, I feel that your beautiful brown eyes make a connection to some part of my brain causing a chemical reaction that i can feel exploiting in passion and overflowing with nothing but honest and clean love. You make me feel loved and understood. and thats what I pretend to do with you. love you and understand you...

... I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as being always tired due to your work schedule, and that this would be making you feel I understand that you come home tired and super drained. Also, at times all that stress from the old car, the new car, and all the drama at work can get to you as well; as if that wasn't enough already, you have no time to divide yourself between sleeping, studying or spending time with me, or the gym, or even getting a haircut!. My recent challenging I want to help you succeed in life so we can all have what we always wanted and live our dream lives together papi. I am more than confident that we can do this together babe. we just need to organize ourselves and always have a short term plan. has left me feeling anxious, but at the same time i daydream about all of the possibilities awaiting for us in the near future., and I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. Whilst we have had our challenges I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing getting our liddo economical problems fixed one by one. maybe getting our nice, steady, secure jobs or even careers; perhaps purchasing our first home, maybe our first kid together, and that way, live a normal, happy life with one another and our little family. together. Love Carla

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