Friday, September 6, 2013

Love Letter For alyssa

Dear jesse, What's meant to be will always find a way. I wanted to tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that me and you can work it out. I know that eventually we'll fall in love with one another again. I know that you are the man of my dreams. We haven't even started our journey yet.. I decided to put down these words because we've been bumping heads a lot lately. We don't see eye to eye but I still love you. . I was recently thinking of you at Game Stop, I think about how I was blushing at Game Stop the day I met you and never imagined that 3 years later we'd be where we are today with our 3 month old son, Khalil Na'zaire Heggs.. Your walk makes me feel so special and safe.

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as getting a good job to support our family and going to school. I know you feel you have so much pressure on you.. but I'm always hear to help and listen. My recent challenge is taking care of Khalil. It becomes depressing at times doing it alone 24/7. I haven't completely learned how to control my feelings. I am willing to learn if you bare with me. I'm having a hard time dealing with the way you act towards me. I wanna feel in love with you. When you get upset with me it has left me feeling like im not cared about. i care less about anyone elses concern. i just want to know that at the end of the day you still want me around. And I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. Even though we have had our challenges I am looking forward to experiencing our future and expanding our family. I look forward to us obtaining our diplomas and going to college. I wanna be the one you kiss when you say, "Bae look I did it, I have my own business." I wanna be there through every bump that their is on the road for us but together. Love, Alyssa

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