Saturday, August 10, 2013

Love Letter For Denise

Dear Marcus, I knew I loved you when I looked into your eyes and went all the way inside; to your soul ... I wish I can the tell you about my feelings in person but I can't cause we are away from each other at the moment. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word. it is more permanent and in writing.

I feel that We need to remember to put God first for our relationship.. I decided put down these words because I miss you soooooo much.. I was recently just laying in bed thinking how much I miss how you would walk in from work and I missed you all day. just being able to greet you with a hug and a kiss. I think of how I wasn't happy until you had eaten and showered and I couldn't wait to rub you and caress your body after you being at work. I lay and think of how cute it was when I would scratch your face and you would turn your head for me to get to that spot. I miss your taste and the look in your eyes when you watch tv. I think about the times we spent going to the store and getting out the house just for a moment with you makes me happy. I really lay and think about how much you complete me. What really intrigues me is that you want to feed your spirit. I miss worshiping and praising with you in church. I miss holding your hand when we pray at night. I just lay here and thank God for you. I wouldn't ever want to change the person who you are. I just think of how good you are to me and how much more I can love you. I miss your smile and rubbing your sexy chest. I think about how I never want to be apart from you ever again and I always realize you are the best I have ever had. I want to be loyal and faithful to you. I want to be your partner you lover and your best friend and who ever else you need me to be. . Your smile makes me feel warm and loved.

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as working long and crazy hours, and that this would be making you feel you don't get much time for yourself.. My recent challenging is that I have worries that you will leave me and end our relationship sometimes because of your trust issues. This leaves me feeling like I have to continue to beg you to stay and I'm not good enough for you anymore, and I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. While we have had our challenges I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing getting married and owning our own shop and buying or own house together. You are who I plan to satisfy for the rest of our lives... No other man. I want you to know that I will have your back always and I will continue to push with you. I'm not saying these things to play games. I'm saying then from my heart please don't eve break it. I love you baby!
Love Denise... One day Mrs. Harper I pray!! Xoxoxo!!!

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