Sunday, July 13, 2014

Love Letter For krystal

Tho, Love is an emotion experienced by the many and enjoyed by the few

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words . I feel that I'm fading away from you I don't know . your not written me back wondering what's really going on with you
You don't write at all . starting to stress making me think when I had Aden and wanted your support that Shit hurts me cuz you never there for me, You promise me you would be there this time I know I need to get over it if I want to start new with you and I am trying but its hard I think I'm just stressing cuz your almost home and worried its not going to be like Im picturing it at lest I know where your at in there and can't cheat on me I'm sorry I don't want to fill this way anymore about you I want to be able to
be proud and say ya he's my man and is a good man to me treats me rite and makes me happy sad to say I can't remember when the last time I felt that way I realiz all I been doing is laying to myself that I am happy and I'm not .

I understand that you have been trying to do rite and actually getting involved in there I don't no if its just that am just tierd of waiting or just our relationship I feel like me wanting to be a family fighting to keep my family together is not there anymore , You are trying to do better and want to do better and that's good but Tho I been holding on to long . but when it come to you I've always been good to you have left me feeling so low I poor my heart out to you all the time and you just walk way, .we have had our challenges I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing it as a family I think I'm having mixed feeling or just trying not to get hurt again

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