Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Love Letter For Heaven

Baby, What's meant to be will always find a way. I wanted to the tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that You are going to be something great i know because god has given you purpose and you may not know what it is yet but i know mine and are god is to good to bring this much love into existance only to match us together and leave us with out a plan knowing we are trying to overcome such pain . You make me mad at times i want to quit and the devil hears my prayers and tries to steal are joy having us think its not worth the effort you have been strong . Even if you are not as close to god as you should be your ability to maintain a relationship full of problems gives god much room to work in your life. I feel good about are future i am saddened and in tears from morning to night with you being gone but my vision in the back of my mind is still in tack and everything we ever talked about will not be in vain .you are not ready to be married yet but i dont need papers to say im here for good because that is for sure i just want you to use that same desire to chase god trust god and need god the same way you do me .and he will fix everything the devil planed to tear apart later. He will move mountins open doors and fill you with so many blessings take a chance with this i promise he will be there through it all.... i can not let the devil break up another marrige god is going to be head over this one i am still learning how to be the women i need to be im not perfect and tho i try im still very broken so continue to be better for yourself and slowly you will be better for me ....... I decided put down these words because I get it now. I was recently thinking of you at Bed, I think about making love to u everynight. Your You are so affectionate and handsome you are my good and my bad my morning and my night my greatest strength makes me feel You make me feel like im someone beautiful and smart lol u make me feel perfect at times i dont know where to begin with change just so i can make us a little better you spoil me with time and i guess i took it for granted over time . Money is not everything you are worth a millions to me coming from a place where i had nothing as long as your heart beats i know this love will last so much longer i cant make love to money nor can i feel anything close to anything more then i do with u . You give me hope when i fall victim to doubt .life is hard not having help with bills is hard its a struggle but love is what i cant live without .

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as jail it seems to have a big hold on your life and one of your biggest regrets i know you cant seem to get a break . But you have to change the way you look at the world and you will begin to understand why things are happening your not alone we got you . Cry if you need to god is waiting for you to just give up all that you are and let him fix everything ... i am a prisoner inlove i miss you more than the sleep i dont get anymore for you fighting with and for leaves me with only prayer and actions to bring u home you are my world through memories you sooth me through distance it breaks me and when not hearing your voice and you not hearing mine this sincere heart will bow in prayer and ask god to show me how .... he is my only friend when the world is asleep i dont know how he do it but with a god that powerful i cant help but seak him more so he can remove those broken corners of my sad heart that began to sink in my faith and lead me to depression . I want nothing more then to see you become someone more successful then your past ever allowed you to see . We got this hold tight baby ....., and that this would be making you feel You been through alot doing wrong is easy because its quick but doing right is peaceful .it really is i understand that not knowing is not the same as not wanting because you do want !! I know this you just need to stop being afraid of not doing it right . I understand your struggle ot was mine too im still learning but it can be done .. My recent challenging We fight break up and get back together id like to find out what force is so powerful that we are still hanging on i need to see what god has in store this cant be the devil . has left me feeling I feel various things at 23 im still unable to discribe these new feelings i get i am a baby in christ, and I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. Tho we have had our challenges I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing it with you. I just want us to make sence out of all of this in time we should be a example not on the edge of destruction we know where we whent wrong someone has to take the lead someone has to know the way or we will forever be stuck together. Love shardae jefferson

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