Saturday, January 30, 2016

Love Letter For Nathan

Dear sacha, Love is when you look into someone's eyes and go all the way inside; to their soul and you both know... instantly! I wanted to the tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that I think the world of you babe the best thing that's happened to me. We are looking for the future that we deserve babe. I decided put down these words because Because you are the most important thing that I have been out with and without you im nothing. . I was recently thinking of you at Gorleston beach, I always think of her. Your beautiful eyes makes me feel Melts me inside touchs my heart. .

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as Stress of collage and family. , and that this would be making you feel Just hating people saying shit and talkin behind back. My recent challenging There are challenges everyday we face has left me feeling good because we get through it, and I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. Whilst we have had our challenges I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing Everything we do stuff together together. Love Nathan

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Love Letter For Alexis

Dear Kenny Chesney, Love is when you look into someone's eyes and go all the way inside; to their soul and you both know... instantly! I wanted to the tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that I was wondering if I really love to have you here with me and please don't be mad at me when i say this Will you be my soul mate my Prince . I decided put down these words because I really do love you with all my heart . I was recently thinking of you at we have never met each other, Every sad because i really am dying deeply to go ahead and see him a lot because i really do love him with all my heart and my soul.. Your I really do know what to say if I ever met you in person though makes me feel Shy scared and every speechless a lot .

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as The loss of a family member , and that this would be making you feel Every sad . My recent challenging It's really hard for me to explain my true love and my feeling for him a lot. I really do know what to say but this Will you be my true lover because I'm dying deeply to give you some kisses and so hugs. has left me feeling Every sad and happy and special and also a little bit scared, and I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. Whilst we have had our challenges I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing I really do want him to me my true lover but I'm really not sure how he feels about me yet together. Love Alexis

Love Letter For souvik

Dear barbee, Love is when you look into someone's eyes and go all the way inside; to their soul and you both know... instantly! I wanted to the tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that i like her. I decided put down these words because we are alone. I was recently thinking of you at park, i would like to sare my felling. Your face makes me feel good.

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as family, and that this would be making you feel i beg them. My recent challenging i have gone to jail
< br /> has left me feeling sad, and I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. Whilst we have had our challenges I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing love feaver together. Love souvik

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Love Letter For Dsp

Dear Sweety, Love is an emotion experienced by the many and enjoyed by the few. I wanted to the tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that Realy i feel . I decided put down these words because I miss you anytime. I was recently thinking of you at Your home hissar, us din aapme kho gya me . Your Hair lips and eyes very beautiful makes me feel Very very cool.

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as The loss of anything, and that this would be making you feel I understand you have a problem . My recent challenging I have everything has left me feeling I want only you, and I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. Whilst we have had our challenges I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing Sweety punm punm punm realy i truth love you together. Love Dsp

Friday, January 22, 2016

Love Letter For Jcbreezy

Dear Michaija, Love is when you look into someone's eyes and go all the way inside; to their soul and you both know... instantly! I wanted to the tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that I genuinely feel that michaija loves me for me. I decided put down these words because Dear michaija . I was recently thinking of you at At my aunts house, I really love michaija shes amazing an i know michaija loves me for me i will die for her and she will not be sad ever. Your Sexy and beautiful makes me feel Warm and happy.

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as Love and cheaters, and that this would be making you feel Michaija knows that i wont do that to her. My recent challenging Been showing michaija im telling her the right things an not standing up as a man just a boy has left me feeling Like not being real with her i love her alot but we will grow together, and I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. Whilst we have had our challenges I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing Love and happiness together. Love Jcbreezy

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Love Letter For shawn

Dear Bernard, What's meant to be will always find a way. I wanted to the tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that I genuinely feel like. I decided put down these words because Falling in love with you has been a great experience being in love with you is amazing the most of all being with you is a joy. I was recently thinking of you at sitting in the backyard yesterday, God for giving me everything I ask for in this Man and more. Your strong patient loving kind and beautiful makes me feel Adored safe special.

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as Taken on a whole family, and that this would be making you feel I don't understand how you put up with it. My recent challenging I have watch your life change around you and you've never said a word has left me feeling blessed and worried at the same time, and I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. Whilst we have had our challenges I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing I hope our future I hope I can help take us to another level I hope and pray I can be as strong as you together. Love shawn

Friday, January 15, 2016

Love Letter For Albert

Dear Lisa, Love is when you look into someone's eyes and go all the way inside; to their soul and you both know... instantly! I wanted to the tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that We have the same thing in common and that will Carry us over any optical in our way. I decided put down these words because i haven't thanked you for your patience and I am sorry about the , the pictures of life I hope don't emply into oblivion that I'm not able to see them again and if we speak about what we have together you and l will see that I'm down to earth with all the attributes you would expect, now that being said and at this POINT in life do you think we can make our selves appreciate each other , i read your mind the minute I saw you ? oh by the way I find you to be a woman that any man would be proud to have on his side .
I'm not going to push someone to join me in a life of Adventure and Excitement in there life if they don't want to , they have to step up and say time waits for no one and the hardest step is the first , for me I don't go to a wedding I'm not invited to so its your move .if yes then great, we don't see
enough of each other and to me is a big loss. I was recently thinking of you Driving home after being together, Us together making each other happier than before . Your Great mind, beautiful body and golden HEART makes me feel Warm and full of love .

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as You have so much going on that it got you confused and a little rattled and I feel bad about it, and that this would be making you feel discombobulated .
You want the best things in life and that would be a relationship with passion. My recent challenging thoughts To make a dicision that would keep you happy for the rest of your life has left me feeling Looking forward to seeing you again, and I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. we have had our challenges yes and we understand what is really important in life and I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing Adventure and Excitement Together . Love Albert

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Love Letter For Laura

Dear Blalock, What's meant to be will always find a way. I wanted to the tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that I feel for you like I've felt for nobody else. Ever since I've known you I've longed to reveal to you the feelings of this heart although it can never be.... I decided put down these words because I can never have you yet I long for you more with each passing day. I was recently thinking of you at every moment of every day, I genuinely love you with everything in me. I love everything about you, from the adorable way you tease me to the times you ask me how my weekend was. And even though nothing can happen between us, my love for you is like a candle whose flame never dies; an evergreen whose leaves remain flourishing through even the harshest weather.. Your contagious smile makes me feel Like I'll definitely be thinking about you every second of every day, as usual....

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as Studying hard to attend college
, and that this would be making you feel You're extremely stressed out at the moment. My recent challenging struggling with anxiety/panic attacks and other issues has left me feeling worn out, tired, and deressed, and I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. Whilst we have had our challenges I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing Just letting you know that I genuinely love you together. Love Laura

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Love Letter For Hitu

Dear makho, Love is something eternal… The aspect may change, but not the essence. I wanted to the tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that I love her alot. I decided put down these words because I wanna marry u I was recently thinking of you at wave mall, Ok. Your beautiful lips makes me feel Warm.

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges such as ur mother
, and that this would be making you feel I dont know. My recent challenging Everything has left me feeling inspring me, and I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. Whilst we have had our challenges I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing Fell bad together. Love Hitu

Friday, January 1, 2016

Love Letter For boga

Dear da, Love is an emotion experienced by the many and enjoyed by the few. I wanted to the tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that We have a stronger connection then I do with mom . I decided put down these words because I love you in every single possible. I was recently thinking of you at feasta Texas, The best dad ever your the best so thoughtful for doing this for me and so we can do it together and spend the time with time as a bonding vacation with you. Your loving makes me feel Truthful and I can tell you anything .

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as Stop drinking and every body excepting its to happen so quickly , and that this would be making you feel You feel pressured by very one. My recent challenging Been going though my my mom never spending time with me because lonnies never home and she always spend the time with him and it's his falt he's never home has left me feeling sad and alone and angery, and I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. Whilst we have had our challenges I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing Going to the Bahamas together together. Love boga

Love Letter For pavan

Dear yogitha, Love is indescribable and unconditional. I could tell you a thousand things that it is not, but not one that it is. I wanted to the tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

There are many things that I have been meaning to say to you but just haven't found the words until now. I feel that rest of my life. I decided put down these words because she is rest of my life. I was recently thinking of you at bustop, cute & charming. Your marriage makes me feel ill die.

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as specific, and that this would be making you feel sad. My recent challenging love has left me feeling happy, and I do not want this to have any impact on our relationship. Whilst we have had our challenges I am looking foward to the future, and experiencing happy life together. Love pavan