Thursday, August 27, 2015

Love Letter For Rosjen

Dear Brian,

I wanted to the tell you about my feelings in person but then I thought how much more personal it would be to put them down in a letter. It might seem old fashioned, but there is something special about the written word - somehow it seems a little more permanent and meaningful.

When I first met you, I had no idea how you would change my life. I had no idea I would fall in love with you, that you would be the one person to truly understand me, or that you would be the man I had dreamed of meeting all my life. I had no idea that all those nights I spent crying with loneliness, all of those solitary roads I had spent years walking on, would lead to you.
I love you more than I can ever say. You are the best man I have ever met: a hard-worker, ethical and sweet, with the biggest heart imaginable. "How you can tolerate someone like me on a daily basis is something I don't think I will ever understand!" The fact that I am going to get to spend the rest of my life with you, my very best friend, is the greatest blessing I could have ever hoped for. I thank God for you on a daily basis.
I cannot wait for the doors at the church to open in the future, to meet you at the head of the aisle, and profess our intentions before God and our friends and family. I look forward to waking up to your face every day, and even to working through the tough times that are sure to come in the future. I could never have picked a man more perfect for me than you.
I was recently thinking of you in Boracay. It is where everything started, the good and the bad times, but it is where I've met you. "We found love in Boracay as we sing to it." Lol!

I understand that you have been facing some significant challenges lately such as getting stuff done like your car, bike, PT. I must say, all these crazy things about moving out and moving in. I know it won't be easy to be overseas for the first but I know Brian will always find a way. I will do my very best not to have my "twin" get in the way and do my best to make things easier for you, for myself, for us. I myself had and still has been in such a crazy, complicated things because of the stupid, dumbest decisions I've made in my life. But, I do not want any of these to have any impact on our relationship. I am looking foward to the future only with you. Have a family with you and live a simple, happy, peaceful, healthy and successful life together.

I love you, forever.


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